A Social Platform & Search Engine All In One

Twitter has been a social leading platform for as long as we can remember – the hashtag was literally born here. Its' features make it an ideal place to brand your business and also be up-to-date on all things happening in the world. When you decide to include it in your social strategy, it opens a brand-new door for opportunities. When we use Twitter marketing for your business, we will be able to increase your brands' awareness, boost conversions, engagement levels, advertise with promoted tweets, run twitter ads and more.

What Makes Twitter So Distinctive
Twitter has an average of 330 million users per month. Although other platforms such as Instagram take the title for younger demographics, Twitter defines its own audience #winning. More than over half of its’ users (63%) are between the ages of 35-65 years old which is important to consider when deciding on your target audience. Other features that make Twitter unique include the quick rate that you are able to endorse your content, offer customer support, do research on what other companies are doing, and utilize popular trends and hashtags in order to reach more people. Along with this, let’s bring it back to the fact that Twitter is used as a news platform as well – over 70% of people use this feature. This creates a new window of potential consumers to come across and engage with your business.

JET Advertising knows that Twitter is a great resource to promote our clients’ products and services. Our social media marketing agency has the expertise and resources your company has been looking for to enhance your Twitter marketing strategy.

We are #ready and guarantee #success.