Branding Your Business with All Things Visual

Over the past years, Instagram has made its way to yet another top performing social media platform. Instagram is all about visuals – which we believe is at the heart of your brand. We want to give you that look and feel you’ve been searching for. Raising brand awareness is one of our strong suits, and we believe Instagram is a great place to do it. Higher levels of brand awareness also mean a greater probability of sales on your products and/or services.

The Importance of Instagram in This Day and Age 
60% of consumers come across new products solely by scrolling through Instagram. Instagram has been increasing business sales tremendously in the previous years and continues to grow day by day with its current users at around 112.5 million. Instagram advertising not only offers a unique way to display your business but it also gives the opportunity for consumers to engage with your brand in a more personal way. The current demographics of Instagram show that younger audiences (18-24) populate a majority of the app followed by middle-aged users (25-49). Although Instagram is a preferred platform for reaching these targeted audiences, many older users are now transferring over to create a profile as well.

JET Advertising knows that Instagram is a great resource to promote our clients’ products and services through engaging visual images. Tied together with a strong Facebook Ads campaign, Instagram advertising is a great option for many businesses looking to reach a specific demographic. Our social media marketing agency has the expertise and resources that local businesses rely on to boost their Instagram marketing strategy.

We’re eager to get to work with your business – ready for take-off?